Calorie restriction longevity

The idea of finding a ‘fountain of youth’ has been around for centuries, and while science hasn’t yet been able to reverse the ageing process, modern research has demonstrated that calorie restriction is the best way to improve lifespan, quality of life and minimise age-associated diseases.

What is Calorie Restriction?

Calorie restriction (CR), or caloric restriction, is a strategy where someone voluntarily eats a low-calorie diet and restricts the overall amount of food they eat. It is believed that limiting calories can influence the body’s metabolism to enable longevity and prevent age-associated diseases.

The Benefits of Calorie Restriction

Research has shown that calorie restriction can have many health benefits, such as a decreased risk of diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. It has also been linked to increased cognitive performance, increased longevity and improved general health.

Calorie restriction has even demonstrated to be effective in increasing the lifespan of laboratory animals, extending it significantly more than what could be expected from their natural lifespan.

Much of the research has been done on rats, mice, fish, and some primates. However, scientists believe that calorie restriction could provide similar benefits for humans, a theory which was supported by the Biosphere 2 study in 1991.

Potential Risks Of Calorie Restriction

The practice of calorie restriction does have potential risks associated with it and should not be undertaken without medical advice. There is an increased risk of malnutrition and associated deficiencies when calories intake is not balanced. Some people may also experience body dismorphic disorder, anxiety or depression.

For this reason, calorie restriction should be done in a controlled and regulated fashion, so as to ensure the body still receives the necessary nutrients and vitamins.

How to Implement Calorie Restriction in Your Life

Calorie restriction involves voluntarily eating a diet that is low-calorie. As an example, someone who usually eats 2,000 calories a day could restrict to approximately 1,500 calories on a regular basis.

It is important to ensure this is done in a healthy manner, where the diet includes lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, proteins, and healthy fats. Supplements can also help to ensure adequate levels of nutrients.

Calorie restriction can also involve intermittent fasting, where you eat normally at certain times and severely restrict your caloric intake at other times. This type of restrictive eating can be beneficial for longevity but is difficult to maintain for long periods of time.


Calorie restriction has been a topic of research for decades, and evidence from animal studies has confirmed its health benefits.

Whilst more research needs to be done on the effects of calorie restriction on humans, those that choose to undertake this strategy must do so in a healthy, balanced way so as not to cause any health issues.

When implemented correctly, calorie restriction can lead to improved lifespan and quality of life. It could be a potential key to unlocking the fountain of youth.